I have a lot of people upset with me, as a child I was bullied In Canada, I feel we’ve done ourselves in through small-l-liberal goodwill and soft-headedness, with a very large side order of not paying attention.
Prioritizing disadvantaged groups through ‘equity’ outcome measures rather than ‘equality’ measures focused on opportunities. Failing to have the honest discussions around multicultural issues, such as how cultural practices and behaviour can limit achievement for the disadvantaged, just as surely as any degree of discrimination from other groups, *and* how we need to promote the need for all of us to assimilate to a common set of values supporting freedom of speech, freedom of expression (we need to counter hard, what seems to be the prevailing assumption that freed speech = hate speech always), freedom of assembly, equal rights for all of men, women, and that vanishingly tiny % of the population that comes out intersexed (defined based on the content of our chromosomes, regardless of sexual orientation) politically and in terms of entitlement as sovereign individuals to live without harassment and pursue education and employment, prosperity and happiness, without interference, and recognition of the rights of children to be protected *as* children until they may fairly be judged as adult, and so on, just for starters…
Failing to teach history with either proper scope or a sufficient recognition of how different approaches to governance have been shown to produce different outcomes for the nations practicing them (noting particularly, tendencies to result in pogroms, gulags, harassment, jailings, show trials, and either judicial executions or sudden disappearance or death for dissidents—Marxist regimes, I’m looking at you!—concentration camps, mass graves, famines, and over-regulated poverty for all but a few oligarchs).
I saw your show, felt intrigued, deeply related to your fighting spirit, and had to reach out to you.
I want to discuss with you The Forced Live Organ Harvesting Genocide covered up by the CCP in China and how the CCP (Chinese Communist Party) is terrorizing our world, unlike any other regime we have ever seen before.
Our website:
You may not like him, but you can’t deny his popularity and standing up
against the radical Communist Left: my Alex Jones interview:
Banned by Youtube and Basically ALL platforms:
I think it will captivate you and your audience from what I will share.
I also have my sharing with the main investigators in London about this new form of evil that has not hit the mainstream yet… but when it does people will be f$%king shocked!
Watch it here: https://youtu.be/OdruEzV6znA
As humans how can we not talk about this? So yeah, please consider having a discussion together.
I believe strongly in a quote Id like to share with you:
“The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.” ― Edmund Burke
Attached is also my bio and a 60-second promo of some of the shows I have been on to expose this new form of evil happening in China.
I trust that I will hear back from you or your producer.